
RWU全球学习和参与-在校园, 在区域社区中, around the world - deepen understanding of global challenges and opportunities, and forge vibrant relationships that transcend national boundaries. 



全球视角, 知识, and experience are key to making the most out of today's globalized opportunities. 

With programs in over 40 countries across six continents, 每学期课间安排短期课程, 以及在国外学习和服务的经济援助, RWU学生探索, 参与, and grow as they build vital capacities for making a positive difference in the world.  


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RWU global partnerships at home and abroad provide outstanding opportunities for both RWU students and faculty to 参与 in global learning, 教学与奖学金. They also contribute to the development of a global campus community through the international exchange of students and faculty. 


RWU students 参与 in internships and field programs while studying abroad; travel to New York to visit the United Nations; participate in the annual InterAction Forum, the largest international development and humanitarian response professional conference in the U.S.; 参与 Rhode Island heritage community members in story-telling projects; and serve local globally oriented organizations in a wide variety of ways. 

全年, 演讲嘉宾, 教师和社区圆桌会议, 兴趣小组讨论, 从业者咖啡时间, 文化活动提供了结识他人的机会, 探索不同的观点, 审视关键的全球问题, 为世界面临的挑战寻求解决方案.

Roger Williams University is committed to the legacy of its namesake, who founded the colony of Rhode Island and Providence plantations as a refuge for those fleeing persecution.  有了这个指导原则, RWU审议了全球难民流动的背景, 当代和历史, bringing a human lens to bear in consideration of the quest for refuge, 以及那些在全球范围内经历过这种追求的人, 以及罗德岛当地的情况.

> Celebrating the Quest for Refuge Through the Power of Story- Dr. Dahliani雷诺兹, 写作研究教授, 修辞, 和组成, 和凯特·格林, 国际项目发展主任, collaborated to develop community 参与d pedagogy that led to Multimodal Writing for Public Spheres students working with local community members forced to flee their native lands to tell their stories of loss, 机会, 并在罗德岛建造新房.


> 生活在地狱边缘:无国籍身份 - Students in Professor Cathy Nicoli’s Advanced Choreography course explored the “Quest for Refuge” through dance, creating the installation “生活在地狱边缘:无国籍身份” as a way to deepen consideration of the global refugee crisis.


关于寻求庇护的额外资源 >

Two Chinese students volunteer with internationally-known arts festival Waterfire.

Global mobility of students and faculty is a valued part of RWU culture.  International students and scholars are welcomed in the RWU community, 并有机会不仅仅在RWU学习, 在美丽的, 布里斯托尔的海滨小镇, but to explore the entire Northeast region of the United States. 

国际学生招生 >

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国际访问教师和学者 >




RWU faculty build collaborations and develop expertise across borders with partners around the world.  Many departments offer disciplinary-specific global opportunities such as those offered by The Department of Anthropology+Sociology in Latin America and Europe

RWU is pleased to host Fulbright Scholars from other countries, and proud of our faculty and administrators who serve as Fulbright Ambassadors abroad through 富布赖特学者交流计划  国际学者交流委员会(CIES).


